
What You Should Know Before Enrolling in a Driving School

Attending behind the wheel driving school is required in the state of California. Getting these driver’s lessons before obtaining a license is also a great idea if you’re over the age of 18 when driver’s ed isn’t required for new drivers. However, it’s important to understand that not all driving schools are created equal.

No matter when you’re looking to learn how to drive, there are a few things to consider before enrolling in a driving school.

Key Things You Should Know Before Enrolling in Driver’s Ed

How Much of the Instruction is Behind the Wheel?

You may come across some driving school programs that offer 100% classroom instruction, while others offer a split between classroom instruction and hands-on driving lessons. The state of California requires 6 hours of behind the wheel instruction from an accredited driving school, so it’s important to take into consideration the type of learning you’ll be doing.

If you’re taking lessons only to learn the basics, you may choose only classroom instruction. However, if you’re taking the class with the end goal of getting your license, it’s important that you choose one with at least 6 hours of behind the wheel instruction. 

Road Test Pass Rate

Reputable driving schools should be able to tell you the pass rate of their students immediately. Make sure that they can confirm the number they give you so that you can determine whether or not they are honest with you. The percentage of students who complete their program and successfully pass their road tests is important because it lets you know how successful they are at teaching new drivers the ins and outs of driving. The higher their success rate, the more confidence you’ll have in choosing the school. 

Online Instruction

It’s the modern age, which is why many driving schools are using an online curriculum to help drivers learn. Similar to traditional classroom instruction, you will want to make sure the course you choose offers at least 6 hours of behind the wheel training if you are under the age of 18.

Even if you are above 18 years of age, you should consider learning with hands-on experience. Some schools also offer a hybrid of online/classroom instruction so that students can do the coursework online, but come to class for one-on-one instruction.

It’s important that you choose the environment that will work best for you. Online driving school is great for those who like to do their work in the comfort of their own home. However, some students may benefit from classroom instruction that makes them side aside a certain amount of time every week to get work done.

Read More: Choosing the Right Driving School for Your Teenager

When Classes Are Held

If you choose to go with traditional classroom instruction along with behind the wheel driving, it’s important to know the days and times that classes will be held to make sure they fit in your schedule. You will have to attend all of your sessions unless otherwise discussed with your teacher. To pass many of the programs, you can’t have an excess of absences.

When it comes to online classes, you’ll need to understand the schedule. While you won’t have to go anywhere physically, there will be assignments due at particular dates. It’s important to make sure that you can get those done by their due dates and continue to learn. Getting behind is never fun, and you’ll need to teach yourself how to manage time while learning from home.


Almost every driving school will offer training materials to its students. These training materials may be in the form of books, packets, pamphlets, and online materials that will help them study for quizzes and learn the rules of the road. 


Most driving schools will be able to let you look at the materials before enrolling, so make sure that you can take a quick look at what they’re providing. You want to make sure that they are all up to date with the current laws and stats on driving. The materials should be informative and easy to read.

Read More: What Driving Lessons Are Available For Adult Drivers


When taking behind the wheel driving courses, drivers will not be using their own cars. The vehicles are provided to them by the school. These vehicles must be properly insured and plated, so make sure to inquire about that when you contact the potential driving schools. 


One of the most important criteria for any driving school is experience. If you’ve ever taught a teenager or anyone else something completely new to them, it can be difficult to explain. With experience teaching driving school, instructors know how to teach their students so that they pay attention and can become safe drivers.

Likewise, if you’re considering online driving school, you will want to know how long the program has been available and have all of your concerns addressed. You should discuss the online curriculum and contact the school to learn how it may differ from classroom instruction. Also, make sure that if you choose online driver’s ed that you will have access to a live instructor to help you should any questions come up. 

Course Fees

No matter who is paying for the driving lessons, it’s always important to consider the cost. These costs will differ from school to school and depend on the experience of the instructors and the types of lessons. 

The Learning Environment

You may know about all of the course material and types of learning environments available, but you need to determine which is best for you. If you’re considering online classes, you may be able to visit the driving school and ask for a demonstration so that you can determine if you want to continue.

If you’re considering classroom instruction, we recommend visiting the school and asking if you can sit in on a current class. This will give you the information you need to know whether or not the environment is right for you.

At the same time, visiting the school will give you a feel for the instructors. Every driving instructor will be different, but you’ll want to make sure that you have a good feeling about them and can trust them by teaching you how to drive.