What You Need to Know About Online Driving School

Orange County driving schools are following in the footsteps of both higher education and public schools by offering some of their classroom curriculum in an online format. The primary benefit of an online school is the ultimate convenience for the student. It is not necessary to attend classes at any given time, nor is it necessary to travel to a classroom.

The principle is sound, of course. If there is one thing web technologies have the potential to change forever, it is the means of distributing educational content. More than a few popular web sites have made these benefits clear, and there are sure to be new sites to follow. The interactive nature of web technologies and video also make it possible to help students work within their curriculum as they learn.

Licensing Requirements

Driver’s education for teens is a requirement for new licenses in California. Any driver under the age of 18 must complete a classroom or online driving course. The Department of Motor Vehicles maintains a list of approved driver education courses for newly licensed drivers in the state. These courses are generally understood to be classroom-based and can be delivered through online and interactive instruction.

At the successful conclusion of such a course from an online driving school, the student is issued a certificate which demonstrates their compliance with driver education requirements.

Online Curriculum, In-Person Driving Instruction

Online driving schools are not limited to online activities.  Driver’s education requires practice, in-person instruction by a qualified driving teacher and a demonstration of skills by a new driver. There is no way to effectively instruct a student how to drive a car unless they are in the driver’s seat.  However, the classroom and theory portions of the driver’s education can be completed in an online setting.

That is why virtually all driving schools include a practical education component alongside the classroom portion of their instruction. This covers the remaining requirements for the Department of Motor Vehicles approval in California and gives students a chance to put their classroom knowledge into practice.


One of the key benefits of online education is the portability of the reference materials and the immediacy of accurate information and knowledge.  What better application of online driving school texts and reference materials than alongside a professional driving teacher in the car? Every time a student attempts to parallel park, they can look up the right technique instantly. Every time they prepare to inspect their vehicle before driving, they can pull up the checklist.

This kind of instant documentation has many other applications, only some of which are now being evaluated. If we can have turn by turn directions, why can’t we have turn by turn instructions? What if the navigational system in a newer car knew the driver was a student? How might that change the way technology benefits young drivers and how much would their skills improve over time?  Driving instructors would likely approve.

Even some veteran drivers might opt for a refresher or two if that were an option.