
Almost half of all teens will be involved in a car crash before high school graduation, according to the National Safety Council. While some accidents cannot be prevented, one of the main reasons that teens experience car accidents is because they are inexperienced drivers. Preventing car accidents is important when it comes to the safety of the driver and pedestrians and is also key to keeping insurance costs down. While your Orange County driving school will teach you how to drive safely, here are 10 car accident prevention tips for teen drivers:

Be Late

You should always remember that it’s better to be late than speed. No matter where you’re going, you should get there safely and make sure you’re following the law. It’s not only your safety that matters, but that of other drivers and pedestrians on the road. Speeding will increase your chances of causing an accident or being the victim of one, so it’s important to keep your speed at the legal limit and get to your destination safely, even if that means you may be a little late.

Eliminate Distractions

Cell phones are a huge distraction while driving a car. Because teens are so used to picking up their phone at the sound of a ring or ding, they may feel inclined to use it while driving. By turning your phone off just for the duration of the drive, you can more easily ensure that you’ll get to your destination safely. If you believe your phone is ringing because of an emergency, wait to pick up your phone and find a place to pull over and park your car.

Distractions are not always in the form of technology. Sometimes friends and passengers can be distracting in cars, so it’s important to set some ground rules as an inexperienced driver. Don’t let your friends stand in the backseat of your car or obstruct your view in any way. You should also let them know to keep the music down so that you can hear your surroundings.

Wear Your Seatbelt

While wearing your seatbelt when driving may not help prevent accidents, it will help you remember to follow the rules of the road. People who care about their safety inside the car, care about safely driving and other people’s safety outside the car. Wearing your seatbelt will also help protect your body in case of a car accident, so it’s important to always be prepared.

Follow the Rules of the Road

In driving school, Orange County you will learn and be tested on the rules of the road. These are not guidelines, but actual laws that you need to follow to prevent accidents. Here are just a few rules of the road to remember while driving:

Always Signal

While signaling may not help you drive, it will help drivers around you figure out what you’re doing before you do it so they can prepare to slow down or stop. Without signaling, a driver behind you may continue to go the legal speed limit and not notice you turning before it’s too late. Allow them to prepare to slow their car and allow yourself to safely make your turn or merge.

Check your Mirrors and Blind Spots

As an inexperienced driver, you may focus on just looking through your windshield, but it’s important to remember you need to have a clear visual of all of your surroundings. Your mirrors and blind spots should be checked frequently, especially when making turns and merging so that you don’t cause an accident that could easily have been avoided.

Be Courteous

One of the best ways to prevent car accidents is to be a courteous driver. This means caring about the other drivers on the road and taking the precautions to keep both yourself and the others safe. If you notice a car about to make a turn, make sure to slow down in case they don’t see you so that you can prevent a car accident. Always remember that other drivers may not be following all of the rules of the road, so it’s important to make sure that you do to prevent accidents.

Road rage is also something to be aware of. Being courteous means not enraging other drivers. By keeping anxieties and negative emotions low during your drive, you can expect a calmer, safer drive.

Enroll in Driving School

The best way to learn how to drive safely and prevent accidents is to enroll in a hands-on driving school that will teach you how to drive. Your Orange County driving school should have a hands-on approach that lets students drive with supervision to help them learn to drive both in and out of the classroom.

Learn the safest driving techniques today!