
When you first start learning how to drive, it can be absolutely liberating. While learning to drive is one of the biggest adolescent milestones, teenagers make common mistakes due to their lack of experience. The best way to avoid common mistakes, and learn the most effective driving techniques is by attending Oorange County driving school. However, odds are that due to inexperience, you may still face some of these common mistakes. 


When you’re learning how to drive, it can be difficult learning how to place your foot so that you can maintain your speed. Often times, you will go above the speed limit easily because you haven’t learned the feel of the gas pedal. Some students are overly confident and will drive fast, while others are not confident enough and will actually drive below the speed limit. 

Rules of the Road

There are certain laws that inexperienced drivers may not always follow. Following too closely, not turning their blinker on, and swerving are all rules of the road that need to be obeyed for safety. Teenagers tend to think they’re destructible, so they will subconsciously or consciously choose to not follow these rules, risking their safety and the safety of others.

Depending on where you live, you may also have laws about how many people you can have in your car if you get your license at a certain age. Because teenagers can often get distracted when they have too many friends in the car that are a similar age. This law is put in place purely for safety reasons so that you won’t get distracted and cause an accident.

Tired Driving

Teenagers are known for staying up late. Many of them will want to go to friends houses or come back home at night, when they are tired. However, tired driving has been compared to drunk driving because your senses are dulled and you are not fully aware of your surroundings. In some cases, people have fallen asleep behind the wheel of the car and seriously injured themselves or others.

Distracted Driving

We live in a world of cell phones, one of the biggest distractions that exists in our everyday lives. However, it’s important to never use your cell phone while you are driving because even the smallest glance away from your focus could result in an accident. Other distractions may include:

  • Fiddling with the radio
  • Talking to other drivers
  • Zoning out
  • Eating while driving
  • Friends

Another type of distraction we don’t normally think about is our emotion. When you’re angry or sad, you can easily get distracted by emotions that cause you to act in ways you normally wouldn’t. If you are feeling any intense emotions, it’s important to pull over and stop driving so that you can get your head back in the game.

Situational Awareness

When you attend driving school in Orange County, you will have hands-on driving instruction so that you can learn situational awareness. You will learn how to drive a car when road conditions are not ideal, helping you to develop situational awareness that makes you a better driver.