
For many teens, getting their driver’s license is considered to be a major milestone in achieving independence as young adults. Once they receive their learners permit, they have the freedom to go on their own from point A to B whenever necessary.

But driving isn’t just a privilege; it’s a responsibility. At times, it may be a confusing process of learning to drive and safely operate a car. As a parent, though, you can help your child to learn how to drive responsibly and safely, and by doing so, help to reduce the risk of an accident. A convenient and modern way to enhance driving education is to enroll your teen in an Orange County driving school that offers online courses that your teen can easily access from their mobile device.

What is Online Driving School?

You may remember going to drivers education after school during the weekdays, and on weekends you’d have behind-the-wheel instruction. What if you could take classroom instruction, and let it be done anywhere? Enter Online Driving School. There’s no more need to go to a physical classroom, and students can learn from the comfort of their own home.

Read More: What You Need to Know About Online Driving School

The Benefits of Online Driver’s Ed


Online driving school lets students read through material and course activities from anywhere and at any time. The most significant benefit of online driving classes, when compared to traditional classroom instruction, is that it can be done in your teen’s free time. There’s no need to try to schedule life around driving instruction; instead, all they have to do is use a device of their choice and start learning. 

Learning at His/Her Own Pace

There are typically multiple topics squeezed into one short class in a traditional classroom. Sometimes, taking notes can be difficult when there are so many comprehensive tasks learned. Online drivers ed classes allow students to go through courses at their own pace.

If your child is a quick learner who gets bogged down by slow classes, online driving school can help them work their way through the class without worrying about whether or not other students are following.

If the student is someone who requires more time to learn complicated subject matter, online courses mean that they can take their time to make sure that they’re ready for their driver’s exam.

No matter what type of student is enrolled, online driving courses can help them master the material at their own pace.


Online driving school teaches students independence that traditional classroom instruction doesn’t. Students must learn how to manage their time and work on their own. As learners become legal drivers, they will feel more independent, but what is crucial is teaching them how to act independently. 

This independence also comes in the form of being one’s own boss. In a classroom setting, you are told what to do and when to do it. Giving students the freedom to decide how they study their driving instruction means that they learn responsibility, another valuable lesson for new drivers.

Read More: California Rules for Teenage Drivers

Online Driving Courses for Teens

Behind-the-Wheel and Online Hybrid

Every state in the US has a requirement of both classroom and behind-the-wheel driving instruction. When looking for an online driving school, it’s important you understand just how much behind-the-wheel time is given to your student. Each driving school is different, so it’s important to do your research to find out how much of the program is online classes versus actual driving.

Consider Curriculum 

The curriculum for online driving school will have to abide by certain state requirements. However, you should ask the school what other types of things your student may learn in their class. It’s always important to put an emphasis on drinking and driving, along with learning the proper techniques for driving. Consider all of the things you want your teen to know about when it comes to driving and make sure it’s in the curriculum.

Abide by State Requirements: DMV approval 

There are only a handful of states that allow online driving instruction, so it’s important to make sure the school you choose to send your teen to is valid. For reference, the state of California does allow online driving school. Also remember, that in California, students need at least 30 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction along with 30 hours of online or traditional classroom instruction.

Make sure that the online driving school you go with is DMV approved. To find out, you can contact the DMV and ask for a list of their approved online drivers ed programs.

Interactive Tools

Online courses will vary from school to school, but the basic essence will be the same based on the requirements by the state. How schools choose to implement the course material will be different.

You will find some online courses with interactive learning tools, like high-quality graphics and animations. You may find others that have a focus on reading and require comprehensive materials to be read. The type of school you choose should be based on the type of learner your teen is and how you believe they will best learn how to drive.

Self-Paced Courses

As we have mentioned, online driving courses are beneficial because they offer your student the chance to learn at their own pace, which will make them a better driver. However, not all online courses are self-paced. Some courses may require students to have assignments completed by a certain date.

If you believe your teen would benefit from being able to learn on their own time, make sure that the course you choose is considered self-paced.

What do you look for when searching for online drivers education courses? Let us know in the comments below.